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Subdivision Regulations
2.1.3-4 General Provisions for Subdivisions All future subdivisions of land within the City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) shall be laid out subject to the approval of the City. Show Less All future subdivisions of land within the City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) shall be laid out subject to t... Show More 2.1.5-6 Platting Process This section applies to all Applications for Platting of property within the City of Bee Cave and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Show Less This section applies to all Applications for Platting of property within the City of Bee Cave and its Extraterritorial Jurisd... Show More 2.2 Subdivision Submittal and Processing Procedures Applies to any Plat of a Subdivision and related Plans, including Construction Plans or application that is required by the City. Show Less Applies to any Plat of a Subdivision and related Plans, including Construction Plans or application that is required by the C... Show More 2.3 Platting Requirements Any owner or Subdivider of any lot, tract, or parcel of land who wishes to subdivide such land shall conform to the process herein. Show Less Any owner or Subdivider of any lot, tract, or parcel of land who wishes to subdivide such land shall conform to the process h... Show More 2.3.12 Development Agreements A Development Agreement may present an alternative plan for development. Show Less Show More 2.4 Subdivision Construction Plans and Procedures The purpose of this section is to ensure installation and completion of Public Facilities to serve a development in accordance with the UDC. Show Less The purpose of this section is to ensure installation and completion of Public Facilities to serve a development in accordanc... Show More 2.5.7 Property Owners' Associations When a Subdivision contains one or more Common Areas or other improvements not intended for dedication to the City for public use, a Property Owners' Association shall be created. Show Less When a Subdivision contains one or more Common Areas or other improvements not intended for dedication to the City for public... Show More 2.5.11-12 Traffic Impact Analysis All development is recognized to add trips to the city's transportation network and to determine the development's impacts on the safety and functionality of the network. Show Less All development is recognized to add trips to the city's transportation network and to determine the development's impacts on... Show More 2.5.13 Easements, Dedications and Restrictive Covenants To identify and require easements and fee simple dedication of all property needed for the construction of Adequate Public Facilities. Show Less To identify and require easements and fee simple dedication of all property needed for the construction of Adequate Public Fa... Show More 2.5.14 Water Utility All Subdivisions must provide an approved water distribution system connected to the existing water system in conformance with all applicable regulations. Show Less All Subdivisions must provide an approved water distribution system connected to the existing water system in conformance wit... Show More 2.5.15 Wastewater Utility Approved means of wastewater collection and treatment required. Show Less Show More 2.5.16 Underground Utilities All distribution lines, cables, etc. for utilities must be installed below ground within the Subdivision. Show Less Show More 2.6 Subdivision Relief Procedures The purpose of a petition for a Subdivision Waiver to a standard or requirement is to determine whether an applicable standard or requirement constitutes an undue hardship. Show Less The purpose of a petition for a Subdivision Waiver to a standard or requirement is to determine whether an applicable standar... Show More
1.1.13 Violations Any violation of a provision contained in the UDC is subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in the Unified Development Code (UDC). Show Less Any violation of a provision contained in the UDC is subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in the Unified Develo... Show More 1.1.14-15 Code Enforcement The City has the right to execute the following actions to remedy violations of the UDC. Show Less Show More 1.1.18 Amendments to the Unified Development Code The City Council may in its sole discretion consider proposed amendments to the text of the UDC. Show Less Show More 1.1.19 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan The City Council may consider proposed amendments to the text of the Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, or the Thoroughfare Plan. Show Less The City Council may consider proposed amendments to the text of the Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, or the Thorough... Show More 1.3 Pre Application Meeting The Pre-Application Meeting is intended to allow for a two-way dialogue between the prospective applicant and the City. Show Less Show More 1.4 Application Submittal Procedures Application requirements and processing. Show Less Show More 1.5.1 Vested Rights and Petitions The purpose of a Vested Rights Petition is to determine whether an application should be processed under the terms of a previous ordinance. Show Less The purpose of a Vested Rights Petition is to determine whether an application should be processed under the terms of a previ... Show More 1.5.2 Dormant Projects and Expiration The project does not have an expiration date and No Progress Towards Completion has been made within the project. Show Less Show More
*Conditional Standards Apply Use is permitted by-right subject to the referenced conditions (see Section 3.4.8) Show Less Show More Specific Use Permit Use is permitted upon approval of a Specific Use Permit (see Section 3.5.6 for requirements). Show Less Show More 3.1.3 Creation of a Building Site Tract or Lot Show Less Show More 3.1.8 Amendment to Zoning Map or Text Zoning Amendments Require City Council Approval. Show Less Show More 3.3.4 Appeal of Administrative Decision Show Less Show More 3.5.1 Applicability, Completeness and Expiration The following procedures apply to any plan or application in the zoning development review procedures. Show Less Show More 3.5.2 Certificate of Occupancy A Certificate of Occupancy is required before initiation of use. Show Less Show More 3.5.3 Alternative Compliance The purpose of Alternative Compliance is to eliminate the need for variances, ad hoc, or discretionary zoning standards. Show Less Show More 3.5.4 Zoning and Site Design Compliance Plan The purpose of the Site Plan process is to coordinate and expedite review of proposed improvements to property. Show Less Show More 3.5.5 Planned Development District An application for a Planned Development District amendment must be in conformance to the Comprehensive Plan. Show Less Show More 3.6.2 Zoning Variances No variance shall be granted without first having given public notice and having held a public hearing. Show Less Show More 3.6.4 Appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment The appellant must file with the Board and the official from whom the appeal is taken a written notice of appeal. Show Less Show More
Stormwater Management
7.2.1(H) Preliminary Drainage Plan A Preliminary Drainage Plan shall be prepared for the following developments Show Less Show More 7.3.2(C) Fees, Forms and Proceduires Other documents may be required. Show Less Show More 7.3.2(O) Erosion Control for Residential Lots with Building Permit When land-disturbing activities are conducted on a residential lot for which a building permit must be issued, the builder shall comply with the following: Show Less When land-disturbing activities are conducted on a residential lot for which a building permit must be issued, the builder sh... Show More 7.3.2(P) Maintenance Plans of Water Quality Controls and Rainwater Harvesting and Collection Systems Maintenance of water quality controls and rainwater harvesting and collection systems. Show Less Show More 7.3.2(S) Environmental Resources Inventory An applicant shall file an environmental resources inventory prepared by a Professional Geoscientist licensed in the State of Texas for proposed development Show Less An applicant shall file an environmental resources inventory prepared by a Professional Geoscientist licensed in the State of... Show More 7.3.3(A) Summary of Review and Approval Processes The City has several approval processes and permits in place that relate to nonpoint source pollution control management. Show Less Show More 7.3.3(B) Fees The City may adopt reasonable fees for reimbursement of costs of implementing its nonpoint source pollution prevention management program Show Less The City may adopt reasonable fees for reimbursement of costs of implementing its nonpoint source pollution prevention manage... Show More 7.3.3(C) Development Permit No landowner or land user subject to this article may commence or conduct development in the watersheds which lie within the City Limits or the ETJ without first obtaining an NPS pollution control permit from City Show Less No landowner or land user subject to this article may commence or conduct development in the watersheds which lie within the ... Show More 7.3.3(D) Annual Operating Permit The owners or operators of all new water quality controls for multifamily residential development, for single-family subdivision development, and for nonresidential development must obtain an annual operating permit. Show Less The owners or operators of all new water quality controls for multifamily residential development, for single-family subdivis... Show More 7.3.3(E) Functionality Inspections Each owner of on-site water quality control facilities shall obtain from a qualified professional registered engineer a functionality inspection no less than once every 5 years. Show Less Each owner of on-site water quality control facilities shall obtain from a qualified professional registered engineer a funct... Show More 7.3.3(F) Water Quality Control Plan All applications for developments and construction required to provide water quality controls under this section 7.3 shall include a water quality control plan. Show Less All applications for developments and construction required to provide water quality controls under this section 7.3 shall i... Show More 7.3.3(G) Erosion Control Plan In order to clearly identify all erosion and sediment control measures to be installed and maintained throughout the duration of the project, a detailed erosion control plan is required prior to the issuance of the site development permit or the building permit in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Engineering Technical Manual. Show Less In order to clearly identify all erosion and sediment control measures to be installed and maintained throughout the duration... Show More 7.3.3(H) NPDES Permit All operators of sites of construction activity that result in the disturbance of 5 or more acres of total land area or who are required to obtain an NPDES permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity, shall comply with the following requirements Show Less All operators of sites of construction activity that result in the disturbance of 5 or more acres of total land area or who a... Show More 7.3.3(I) Waivers for Stormwater Management The City Council may approve a waiver to one or more provisions of this section 7.3 if it makes an affirmative finding with regard to the following: Show Less The City Council may approve a waiver to one or more provisions of this section 7.3 if it makes an affirmative finding with r... Show More 7.3.3(J) Citizen Complaints A citizen may file a written complaint or report to the City of any spills, releases, illicit connections, other instances of anyone discharging pollutants into the stormwater drainage system or waters of the United States Show Less A citizen may file a written complaint or report to the City of any spills, releases, illicit connections, other instances of... Show More 7.3.3(K) Release Reporting and Cleanup The person in charge of any facility, vehicle, or other source of any spilling or any other release of any of the following quantities of any of the following substances that may flow or otherwise be introduced into the stormwater drainage system or waters of the United States shall immediately notify the City Show Less The person in charge of any facility, vehicle, or other source of any spilling or any other release of any of the following q... Show More 7.3.3(L)-(N) Compliance Monitoring To provide necessary access for maintenance and monitoring, water quality controls must be contained within a water quality easement or restricted platted lot. Show Less To provide necessary access for maintenance and monitoring, water quality controls must be contained within a water quality e... Show More 7.3.3(O) Fiscal Security The applicant must provide Fiscal Security for the construction of temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls: Show Less The applicant must provide Fiscal Security for the construction of temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls... Show More 7.3.3(P) Supplemental Enforcement Action Show Less Show More 7.3.3(Q) Stop work orders Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this section 7.3, the City Engineer may issue a Stop Work Order by serving notice on any persons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done. Show Less Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this section 7.3, the City Engineer may issue a Stop Work Order... Show More 7.3.3(R) Violation and Injunctive Relief Unless otherwise specified, any person found violating this section 7.3 will be subject to enforcement action and penalties specified in section 1.1.13 Violations Show Less Unless otherwise specified, any person found violating this section 7.3 will be subject to enforcement action and penalties s... Show More